We're opening the Developer track at WordCamp Buffalo 2024!

New York's WordPress community are about to get an early look at Webslice, and some handy advice as well.

It's only a few days until WordCamp Buffalo, which is happening in Tonawanda, New York, on May 4. We'll be there, and we can't wait.

Our very own Fred Secco will be first up in the Site Builders & Developers track, talking about Achieving Optimal Performance: Advice for Speeding Up, and Scaling Up, WordPress.

Even if you're already carefully managing your plug-ins, themes, and media files, there's still a lot more to know when it comes to optimizing your WordPress performance. Fred will look at this topic is depth - from the hardware that sits under your tech stack, all the way through your development environment. The more you know, the better the performance that you can get out of WordPress, and the more efficient you can be as a developer.

If you're there, be sure to arrive in time for the first talks - and come and say hi afterwards!

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